בדיקת פרונט-אנד של ראקט עם ינון פרק


טסטינג ראקט

import React from "react";
import { render } from "@testing-library/react";
import { StoreProvider } from "easy-peasy";
import { initializeStore } from "../../store";
import Footer from "../Footer";
import getConfig from "next/config";

describe("<Footer /> component test", () => {
  let app;

  beforeEach(() => {
    const store = initializeStore();
    app = (
      <StoreProvider store={store}>
        <Footer />

  it("should contain a github link", () => {
    const screen = render(app);
    const githubLink = screen.getByRole("link", { name: "GitHub" });
    expect(githubLink).toHaveAttribute("href", "https://github.com/thedevs-network/kutt");

  it("should contain a TOS link", () => {
    const config = getConfig();
    const screen = render(app);
    const tosLink = screen.getByRole("link", { name: "Terms of Service" });

    expect(tosLink).toHaveAttribute("href", "/terms");

  it("should show contact email if defined", () => {
    const config = getConfig();
    config.publicRuntimeConfig.CONTACT_EMAIL = 'foobar';
    const screen = render(app);
    const emailLink = screen.getByRole("link", { name: "Contact us" });

    expect(emailLink).toHaveAttribute("href", "mailto:foobar");

  it("should NOT show contact email if none is defined", () => {
    const config = getConfig();
    const screen = render(app);
    const emailLink= screen.queryByRole("link", { name: "Contact us" });


import React from "react";
import { render } from "@testing-library/react";
import { StoreProvider, createStore, Thunk, thunk } from "easy-peasy";
import userEvent from "@testing-library/user-event"
import { store } from "../../store";
import { links, Link, Links, NewLink } from "../../store/links";
import Shortener from "../Shortener";

describe("<Shortener /> component test", () => {
  let app;

  beforeEach(() => {
    store.links = {
      submit: thunk(async (actions, payload) => {
        return {
          id: "0",
          address: "localhost:3000/foobar",
          banned: false,
          created_at: "now",
          link: "localhost:3000/foobar",
          target: "",
          updated_at: "now",
          visit_count: 0
    const testStore = createStore(store);
    app = (
      <StoreProvider store={testStore}>
        <Shortener />

  it("Should not sumbit an empty string", async () => {
    const screen = render(app);
    const urlInput = screen.getByRole("textbox", { name: "target" });
    const submitButton = screen.getByRole("button", { name: "submit" });
    const msg = await screen.findByText(/Missing target URL/i);

  it("Should show the short URL", async () => {
    const screen = render(app);
    const urlInput = screen.getByRole("textbox", { name: "target" });
    userEvent.type(urlInput, "https://easy-peasy.now.sh/docs/api/thunk.html");
    const submitButton = screen.getByRole("button", { name: "submit" });
    const msg = await screen.findByText(/localhost:3000\/foobar/i);

  it("Should empty target input", async () => {
    const screen = render(app);
    let urlInput: HTMLInputElement = screen.getByRole("textbox", { name: "target" }) as HTMLInputElement;
    userEvent.type(urlInput, "https://easy-peasy.now.sh/docs/api/thunk.html");
    const submitButton = screen.getByRole("button", { name: "submit" });
    const msg = await screen.findByText(/localhost:3000\/foobar/i);
    urlInput = screen.getByRole("textbox", { name: "target" }) as HTMLInputElement;

  • React
  • testing
  • javascript