Cloud-based Continuous Integration using Travis-CI
03:13 What is Continuous Integration? Nightly build. QA. Testing. 09:13 What is Travis-CI? Cloud-based Continuous Integration service. 11:47 How many companies use CI? (Moshe Piamenta) 14:27 Does the CI do something different from the nightly build? 17:03 GitHub create an empty repository with only a file in it. 19:20 Connect GitHub to Travis-CI, Sync if necessary, and enable a specific repository. 22:49 See the Webhook that Travis-CI creates 25:25 What is YAML? YAML Ain't Markup Language 27:17 Create .travis.yml minimal configuration 32:20 Content of the webhook 34:28 Adding the "script" field. 36:13 Failure in Travis-CI job41:30 Minimal Travis-CI configuration and a series of Linux commands 48:15 Adding a before_script entry to make the shell script executable chmod +x 51:15 Using other versions, other distributions of Ubuntu: trusty, bionic, focal, xenial 52:38 Running on Apple Mac OSX 57:40 set -e to make the Bash script fail when of the commands fail 1:00:07 Running on MS Windows 1:00:40 The UI of Travis-CI 1:02:19 Branches 1:02:45 Build History 1:03:10 Pull Requests 1:04:20 Travis-CI scheduled jobs (TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE=cron) (e.g. to make sure our code does not break on new versions of our dependencies) 1:07:53 Trigger Custom Build - How to experiment with the configuration file of Travis without making changes in the Git repository. 1:10:25 Languages supported by Travis CI 1:12:30 Build status 1:14:11 Add Travis-CI Badge to the file 1:15:36 Job Lifecycle: before_install, install, before_script, after_script, after_success, after_failure 1:16:57 Python 1:19:20 Python and pytest 1:21:47 Python language matrix 1:22:54 The environment variables set by Travis 1:23:38 Set environment variables 1:25:10 Python version and environment matrix 1:28:20 Matrix with several programming languages 1:33:30 Gated push?

Published on 2020-08-16